Championing the therapeutic value of creative expression
Mississauga Arts Council’s ArtsCare Initiatives
MAC’s ArtsCare initiatives have included awarding the Arts for Mental Health Award since 2018, organizing the Arts for Mental Health Conference with Mass Culture in 2021, and their ArtsCare Programming MicroGrants that help put these pilot programs into action.
About the A4MH Conference
MAC in partnership with Mass Culture presented our virtual Arts for Mental Health Conference on October 6, 2021. This timely conference brought together artists, medical practitioners, and policy makers to demonstrate the impact and benefits the arts have on the mental well-being of individuals, with the goal being a pilot arts for mental health program in Peel Region.
ArtsCare Resources
MAC looked into studies on the impact of arts on overall health and wellness. The startling healthcare benefits cited by provincial, national, and international reports, studies, and surveys guided our approach to the conference, and sparked the Arts + Mental Health Datathon was a three-day event, running from September 7-9, 2021.
ArtsCare Programming
Mississauga Arts Council is a champion of Arts Care Programming in Mississauga. Through MAC’s MicroGrant program, artists are able to fund and create therapeutic arts programs to benefit those suffering from mental health conditions. These programs also create a resource of the possibilities and outcomes of Arts Care services.
Pilot ArtsCare Social Prescription
Mississauga Arts Council (MAC) presents a two-year Pilot ArtsCare Social Prescription Program to Hon. Michael Tibollo, Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions.
On November 30th, 2023, Mississauga Arts Council (MAC) presented a new Proposal for a Pilot ArtsCare Social Prescription Program in Mississauga, written by art psychotherapist, Haley Toll, to the Hon. Michael Tibollo, Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions. This pilot program is the next step to furthering MAC’s ArtsCare initiatives to make creative experiences and activities available to residents as a non-pharmacological solution to improving mental health.
Arts for Mental Health Award 2024
Mississauga Arts Council (MAC) is pleased to announce the winner the 2024
Arts for Mental Health Award, Anu Srivastava.

Sponsored by Bell Canada, this award recognizes the work of individuals and groups who have made significant contributions to arts for mental
health initiatives. This year’s award was presented at MAC’s gala fundraiser for the arts, the MACsquerade Disco Inferno, on November 28th, 2024 at Le Treport.
Arts + Mental Conference
October 6 2021, 1 – 5pm EDT
Mississauga Arts Council in partnership with Mass Culture presented the Arts for Mental Health Conference, bringing together thought leaders from the arts and medical fields to map a way forward for the integration of the arts into mental health practices.
Arts for Health News
Resource: Craft Psychology: How crafting promotes health, Book (Dr Anne Kirketerp)
'Craft Psychology' by Dr. Anne Kirketerp explains the science and psychology behind crafting and its…
Resource: Group drumming as a burnout prevention initiative among staff members at a child and adolescent mental health care facility (South African Journal of Psychology)
The research concludes that drumming and recreational music-making groups may represent a potentiall…
Resource: Recreational Music-Making: A Cost-Effective Group Interdisciplinary Strategy for Reducing Burnout and Improving Mood States in Long-Term Care Workers (Advances)
Research that concludes Recreation Music-Making reduces burnout and mood dimensions, as well as TMD,…
On February 9, 2022, The Honourable Patricia Bovey (F.R.S.A., Senator) asked a question to Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, (P.C., M.P., Minister of Health) during the Senate Debate. Senator Bovey has been a long advocate of leveraging the impact of the benefit arts and culture have on health.
Want to know more?
Contact us to learn more about the conference and how you can get involved. This is the start of a movement to bring the arts and health sectors together, and we look forward to your participation.