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Resource: SOCIAL PRESCRIBING IN ONTARIO – Progress Report (Alliance for Healthier Communities)


Author: Alliance for Healthier Communities



Webinar on several projects featuring collaborations between health and cultural institutions in the Toronto region that utilized social prescribing of arts and cultural activities to improve health and well-

What does it look like for the healthcare system to see a patient as a whole person, instead of focusing on just their medical diagnoses? What if, along with medication, doctors and nurse practitioners were enabled to prescribe dance lessons, cooking classes, volunteer roles, caregiver supports, single-parent groups, and connections to bereavement networks? What if clients were empowered to take control of their own health and co-create solutions?
What if primary care centres became places of belonging? The principles of social prescribing resonate widely. In view of significant interest and emerging momentum from diverse sectors to engage in this work, this implementation-in-progress report has been produced to provide an overview of the Ontario pilot, share early findings and lessons learned, and offer suggestions for how organizations can initiate or participate in social prescribing.

Published by: Alliance for Healthier Communities

Publication Date: 2019

Country: Canada

Language: English

Type: Reports/Papers